well, chris, you could subscribe to my blog if you added it to your feed reader. that's what i do, at least. but why would you want to do that when half my posts are written in a language you wouldn't understand?
but if you said that next time i wouldn't even notice you, that means you've seen me already? this would be so much easier if i knew exactly who you were.
hipioata de la roblogfest! am firma de hosting. Iti iau domeniu (38 de euro pe viata), iti dau si hosting (cu 2 euro pe luna) si iti instalez si Wordpress (blogul - moca).
Imi pare rau sa-ti stric planurile... dar
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vezi rotld.ro
well, chris, you could subscribe to my blog if you added it to your feed reader. that's what i do, at least.
but why would you want to do that when half my posts are written in a language you wouldn't understand?
this is weird.
but if you said that next time i wouldn't even notice you, that means you've seen me already?
this would be so much easier if i knew exactly who you were.
well, chris, let me know when you see me again.
hipioata de la roblogfest!
am firma de hosting. Iti iau domeniu (38 de euro pe viata), iti dau si hosting (cu 2 euro pe luna) si iti instalez si Wordpress (blogul - moca).
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